Flamingo has graced our cyber shelves with the latest in shaving technology at eye-wateringly affordable prices- it really is time to get your shave game on-point.
Flamingo is the brainchild of Harry's, and Harry's are best known for their fuss-free shaving line created for men with low price tags and swathes of five star reviews so I'm sure you'll agree, with Flamingo, we're in very good company.
We believe a positive relationship to body care starts with quality products and that when we show up for ourselves in private, we’re able to show up as ourselves in public.

The Flamingo shaving collection features Razor Handles which are as good for your bathroom display as they are for your shaving regime, and cutting edge razor cartridges featuring Swedish steel blades manufactured and engineered in Germany, featuring all of their associated precision, with waxing strips and shaving gel, to boot.
Shop Flamingo here